Negotiating 101

It’s more fun than you think, or less I suppose

Lord Dukes de Enfer


This is a graphic I found on Wikicommons. And totally impractical.


I have been working on a course I was encouraged to write that offers basics to anyone who wants to get better at negotiating. This post isn't a sales pitch, but rather the first lesson from the course. I know I have neglected Medium while writing it. As this part of the course isn’t overly technical and the subject is relatable, I thought I would post it. No questions, just the lesson.

I don’t even have a link to sell the course yet, so as I said, this is just a fun read.


***This is not a blueprint of ‘How to buy a car’, there is a lot I would change if creating that, but this works as a learning tool***

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Most negotiations fall into two categories.

Buyer or Seller.

Ready to go? Great, let’s do this.

***In the following section I use $10,000 as the base price for a car. I am aware you can not buy a new car for $10,000. I use that number to simplify the math. If it makes you more comfortable, add a zero or two***



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler