Netflix CEO ‘’We’re competing with sleep, on the margin’’ — Netflix demanded war on sleep!

We have got to a point where it is acceptable to have evil goals!

Omar Alsh


To the point they did not even hide it, they said it!

And people are supporting them!

This level of stupidity is beyond me.

Photo by Elimende Inagella on Unsplash

Netflix’s Success

Netflix is by far one of the most successful companies on this planet.

Netflix currently has 238,400,000 (238.4 million) paying monthly subscribers

And Netflix estimated that 251,000,000 (251 million) extra people have access to it through password sharing.

Which adds up to 489,400,000 users!

That is over 6% of the world’s population.

The average user spends 3.2 hours a day on Netflix.

So that works out to be 6 Billion hours of content a month!

How They Achieved Success

The main way it achieved its success is by making its episodes very easy to binge-watch.

People nowadays:

  • Go to work
  • Come back
  • Get a takeaway

