Never Drop the Ball Again

Jan Carroza
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2022


CRM software makes it easy to keep promises to follow up

Main image from Freepik; additions by author in Canva

Earn Trust with Great Follow Up

Remember the last time you missed a deadline or forgot to follow up? There’s a real cost in forgetfulness that’s completely unnecessary with a CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, program. The most painful loss may not be from sales, but from lost trust and reputation, both from prospects and current clients.

The solution is really very simple. Entrepreneurs, as well as big and small companies, benefit from a CRM system in many ways.

1) Getting Reminders

When a prospect says they have a vendor, but agrees to a call back in a few months, setting a reminder generates an email to keep that appointment. Remembering a promise makes an impression.

2) Assigning Customer Status

Document where prospects are in the customer journey. CRMs offer customizable drop-down menus to categorize contacts. Tracking progress through the sales pipeline helps project estimated revenues.

Waypoints might include: Unqualified lead, qualified lead, free consultation, sent proposal, won, sent agreement, executed agreement received, statement of work sent, lost account, and re-engagement touch.



Jan Carroza

Author | Instructor | ROI-driven problem-solver | Improve conversions for SMBs | Online & offline direct response expert | Forecasting marketing directions