Never Feel Misunderstood Ever Again!

Setting boundaries and taking control of your personal propaganda

Mentalcodex | Julfi


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So many people feel left out.

How they see themselves doesn’t match with real life.

Their friends treat them like losers.

Their family doesn’t understand them.

Their partners don’t respect them.

And guess what?

You’re not that far from them.

This may surprise you, but…

We ALL feel that to some extent.

“Oh… you know, people don’t understand me. I’m too different. I’m too complex.”


I hope nobody 100% understands you. Because if this is the case, then it would mean that you are very hollow and impersonal. A teenager basically.

Then, and that’s the focus of today’s post, it’s all your fault.

You’re not too good for this world, too smart, over-sensitive, or whatever coping mechanism you’ve found to ease your pain.

It is much simpler than that.

You’ve simply failed in your personal propaganda.

You’ve not set proper boundaries and have let people define them for you.



Mentalcodex | Julfi

I write about power dynamics. It's implication in your life. And how to get the most out of it.