Never Ignore These 4 Gut Feelings — They Can Save You From Misery

Lessons I’ve Learned in Almost 30 Years of Life

Kurtis Pykes


Image created by the author using Midjourney

Ever felt like you “just know” something but can’t articulate why?

That’s your intuition.

Many refer to their intuition as the “gut feeling.

It describes the innate ability to know something without consciously thinking about it.

A study published in the National Library of Medicine discovered that people who trusted their intuition were likelier to do the morally right thing in a given situation.

While you may not be able to learn how to trust your intuition, you can strengthen it.

This starts with becoming more self-aware…

When you know more about yourself, you can better detect gut feelings clearly.

There’s 4 universal gut feelings you should never ignore, regardless of what stage you’re at in your self-awareness journey.

Those 4 gut feelings are:

1. The feeling of danger

On the weekend, my car broke down, so I was moving around in taxis.

I’d been out with friends and was traveling home late at night.



Kurtis Pykes

SaaS Content Writer | Sharing everything I learn as I build my solo business to $10M in revenue