Never Make These Mistakes as A Blogger.

It is about the credibility if you are in for the long game.

Sachin Mishra


Credits — Andrea on Pexels

A Blogger is someone who shares his views and ideas through his words and slowly creates an Audience who are interested in that niche.

An article or a blog can be on-topic, like Technology or Health, or the favorite, of millennials (love stories).

If a Writer can touch the sentiments or adds value for the reader, then there is no looking back for him.

In 2020, people are locked inside houses. The world has moved on digital platforms, as we have seen a lot of people joining the blogging platform in these times of pandemic.

Web hosting site Wordpress has seen 4% growth compared to last year whilst other platforms, like Blogger, and Wix also shared a piece of the revenue.

Is it worth to start blogging?

I would say totally Yes, it is worth investing your time in it and pour your thoughts. Don’t just step into it thinking the life of a blogger is cool, because the…



Sachin Mishra

Love Writing on Travel, Food, Life Lessons, Entrepreneurship