Never Say These Words To Yourself

Whatever you say to yourself, your subconscious mind diligently records it.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
4 min readJun 17, 2024


Your self-talk, whether positive or negative, wields significant influence over your life. Once spoken, these words are imprinted on your subconscious mind.

It underscores the crucial need to be aware of your self-talk, as it can either move you forward or hold you back.

Remember, positive self-talk is not just a tool; it’s a superpower that can transform your life.

Whatever you say to yourself, your subconscious mind diligently records it.

“Your self-talk is the channel of behavior change”
― Gino Norris

It then takes an active role in making it real. Believe it. Your subconscious mind is not just listening; it’s actively shaping your reality based on your self-talk.

If you proclaim yourself the best, your mind will strive to validate this belief. Conversely, if you declare yourself worthless, your mind will work to make this a reality.

It is the self-fulfilling prophecy of self-talk, a psychological phenomenon in which our beliefs about ourselves influence our actions and ultimately shape our reality.

“Remember that positive self-talk is an intrinsic part of a healthy mind.”
― Asa Don Brown

Do not say these words to yourself at any cost.

  • I am not able to do it.
  • It’s out of my reach.
  • It’s not possible for me.
  • I am good for nothing.
  • I can never achieve it.
  • I am not so strong.
  • My brain is not working.
  • Bad luck is always with me.
  • I can never be happy.
  • I cannot do the thing right.
  • No one loves me.
  • I cannot handle it.
  • It can never happen to me.

These are some of the negative self-talk you should be avoiding. Sometimes, you don’t know that you are using these words.

“Words matter. And the words that matter most are the ones you say to yourself.”
― David Taylor-Klaus

It could be because you were ‘programmed’ to use these words from childhood through repeated negative experiences or messages. Understanding this can help you break free from these patterns.

But from now on, you have to speak and think consciously. Every word you utter about yourself should be positive.

If something you think is impossible for you, never say it’s not possible for me.

Instead, say, I am learning it and will achieve it. Replace every negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

For instance, instead of saying, ‘I am not able to do it,’ say, ‘I am capable and will figure it out.’

If you habitually say these words, improving may take some time.

“Everything you attract into your life is a reflection of the story you believe and keep telling yourself.”
― Farshad Asl

But for that, you have to start thinking in this direction. First, you have to be aware that you are using these words in your daily life.

When you know you are using them, then start working on them.

Remember, self-awareness is the first step towards change; you’re already on your way.

Every little word you speak also creates an immense effect on your body. If you want to feel total energy, say it to yourself. If you wish to be happy, say it loudly.

Positive self-talk can boost confidence, reduce stress, and improve mental and emotional well-being. It’s a powerful tool for shaping one’s reality.

“The thoughts in your mind will always be more important than the things in your life. Choose happiness.”
― John C. Maxwell

Mohammad Ali always says, ‘I am the Best,’ and he becomes the best. It’s no joke. I felt a significant shift in my energy and mindset when I started using positive affirmations.

Working towards your words will take effort, but when you master this, you will feel an extra push in your energy.

You can start monitoring your words. See when you use negative words. What are the situations when you say negative words? Can it be avoidable? Can you use positive things in place of those words?

You have to ponder it. Work on yourself to improve yourself. Be the person others want to follow.

Start using positive affirmations about yourself. You can find them on the Internet.

“Be mindful of your self-talk. It is a conversation with the universe. You are a being, full of infinite possibilities! Focus your mind with positivity and you will have dictated the direction of your journey, your soul and your being, cascading in infinite abundance.”
― Angie karan

You can read them daily, speak loudly to listen to them or listen to positive affirmations on YouTube. Numerous videos are available.

Now, there is no excuse for you to stop here. Start working on yourself.



Vinod Kumar Kashyap

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​