New Beginning

It’s all about how to find and start.

Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2023


Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

My story seems quite relatable. It took me some time to understand the beginning of life as well. Sometimes things clicked instantly, while other times it was a struggle to grasp. It’s interesting how those early experiences shaped my perspective. I’m curious to know about the new beginning and the lesson you learned from it.

Everyone’s life begins like a new chapter that we have never read before. First, we try to understand and learn about that chapter. We read, practice, and learn; it’s a journey. Along with that, we also encounter the difficulties that come with it. Sometimes, a good start helps us understand that chapter easily, but other times, it may take time to comprehend. The problem is not why it’s taking time or why it’s not clear because things are not easy for everyone; what’s difficult for some might be easy for others. The real problem is that we often fail to learn from those difficulties, not realizing where we lacked or how the beginning was.

The relationship between a lesson and a new beginning.

Whether we call it a lesson or a beginning, they are closely linked because until we learn lessons, we don’t embark on new beginnings. I understood the foundation of my start as lessons. This is unique in everyone’s life – mine may be different from yours, but the solution is the same. Want to know the solution? Firstly, I’ve experienced that for starting something, we need a solid reason that hits us repeatedly, guiding us whether we should or shouldn’t do it. I made the same mistake before, those flaws were there. It’s about identifying points where you honestly feel you fell short. As we gradually overcome those shortcomings, we’ve already taken a new beginning.

How you can find a solid reason for new beginning?

This question comes to our minds first – how to start and what should be the reason, what should be the cause, or is there something that, once known, keeps pushing us from within.

So, these points can help you.

  1. Something like that which has hurt you: I have experienced that we tend to remember sorrows more than happiness. Life might bestow us with countless joys, yet we tend to recall some instances of happiness briefly before moving on. However, even if a sorrow is as short as 2 or 3 minutes, it stays with us for a lifetime. Are you also in agreement with this? Please share your opinion. Well, these sorrows serve as the cornerstone of our new beginnings, at least I believe so. They hit us from within, reminding us of what happened, what occurred – urging us to not let it happen again.
  2. Unforeseen Necessity: Sometimes, life seems to be running perfectly; we have everything, and we comfortably go through life. But time is never constant; a situation might arise where you need someone’s help. I’ve experienced such a phase. My father had a good job, and after retirement, financial planning at home began. We never thought about expenses earlier – whether they were more or less. After my father’s service done we had to be cautious with spending. I, too, was in my comfort zone, with no idea that becoming self-independent was essential. This situation taught me how to start my journey towards an independent life. So, I believe that needs also initiate the beginning of some chapters in our lives.
  3. By making mistakes: we start new beginnings even from our errors. Sometimes things get messed up, and to set them right, we begin anew. Mistakes happen, that's why they're there, so we can learn from them, improve them, and then start fresh with new ways without dwelling on that mistake, initiating new beginnings.

Accepting challenges : helps us accomplish tasks that we initially believe are beyond our capabilities. Challenges fuel a newfound energy within us, compelling us to achieve those tasks no matter the cost. When embarking on a new journey, if doubt creeps in and we fear that we might not succeed, challenges can be our solution. By taking on a challenge, we can overcome our doubts and push through, like when we challenge ourselves to wake up early each day. It may seem difficult at first, but with determination and the realization that we genuinely want to achieve it, we step out of our comfort zone and work to complete the challenge. This is how a new beginning takes shape.

I'd like to emphasize that sometimes starting something new is challenging, while other times it's easier. It depends on our willingness to take the step. Everyone faces different situations; some struggle to break free from toxic relationships before starting anew, while others navigate these transitions effortlessly. It's our choice whether we ignore past mistakes and stay content with our mindset, or believe in our ability to change, as change is a fundamental aspect of human nature.

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Writer, loves to read articles and novels, history and books, and like to explore new things, part time teacher.