New Divorce Registries Help Those Who Lose Their Stuff to Their Ex

New divorce registries are causing some controversy over the etiquette of asking others to buy gifts for people getting divorced

Natalie Frank, Ph.D.


Credit: Tracie Hall/flickr

If you’ve gotten married, or have friends who are married, you are likely familiar with wedding gift registries. This is where the couple registers at their favorite stores and selects items they would like to receive to help them start their new life together. Wedding gift registries make buying gifts easier and take the guesswork out of what you’ll get for a couple who are getting married.

While it’s become the norm for couples to register with gift registries when they get engaged, a new practice is being introduced that is raising some eyebrows. This is a divorce registry.

What Are Divorce Registries?

When a couple gets married, they merge their households. They don’t need two of everything so they get rid of one item or set and keep the other. Items they don’t have, they ask for through registries.

But sometimes marriages don’t work out. When a couple gets divorced it’s a sad time. It can also be a tough time for one or both of the individuals since splitting up also means splitting their…



Natalie Frank, Ph.D.

I write about behavioral health & other topics. I’m Managing Editor (Serials, Novellas) for LVP Press. See my other articles: