A New Journey Begins...

Kay's Blogs
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2024

Hey… How have you been, mate?

I know it has been a while since I spoke to you through my articles, but here we are again :)
Friends never leave, that’s right…

I am sorry for not being able to share my superior views (not superior) on the world's current situations or share any valuable stuff over the last few months.

I have an explanation for that!
In the last few months, I have been busy, rather than being a lazy, procrastinating individual.

I just finished school about 3 months ago, I was busy applying to universities all over India for my Undergrad, and then... my grandmother passed away.

Everything is fine now…but responsibilities take up a lot of your time occasionally. I needed to apply to universities; I needed to be there for my family when my grandmother passed away.

And... as the French say, “c’est la vie!” meaning “that’s life.”

But don’t ever forget that Life keeps going on…

In these last few months, I have been unable to enter the creative zone and write something informative or creative… You tend to get writer’s block when you are exhausted both physically and mentally.

However, I have been up to something in the last few months.
Although I could not enter the creative zone, I was still hustling, working on something that would help me make a better brand for myself. Become a better professional in the market.

So, today I wish to introduce to everyone reading my story my very own blog site, which is not just a BLOG site but rather a ME SITE.
You will not just find my blogs there, but also the photos I click (some samples shown below) or my very own art (which will be coming up some time).

Photo Of A Golden Statue Of Meditating Buddha Clicked By Me

Wait… wait…
Does that me you will stop posting here?

I will never be leaving the Medium space; my articles will be here once in a while too, but the main reason for building that site is to build something of my own.
Something where I can say, that I created it…

here’s the link below:


I know it is a Go Daddy site at the moment, but as I said I am just entering new waters right now… I am not naive to buy a domain right away, duh!

But you will be seeing Mr. Go Daddy leave in no time... just hang in there :)

Well… this is all for this article, I know it’s not too informative or knowledge-imparting, but I think YOU deserve an explanation for my absence, but now you know…

So I will be taking a leave now, but always remember my friend, I might go off the grid once in a while, but I will always come around.
Just in the blink of an eye :)

I hope you wish me well on this new phase and journey of life, both about my University and the BlogSite.

Signing off,
Your dearest,

Think of those claps as our virtual high-fives. If you found this article refreshing and engaging, a few claps would be like a cool breeze on a hot day.



Kay's Blogs

Just a 18-year-old guy who writes stories, tells my own stories and is on the way to make an epic about himself. :)