New Postulate on Nikola Tesla’s gravity

Antonia Rovayo
Published in
6 min readDec 9, 2023

First of all, I want you to know that gravity works in all dimensions; This makes its proof camouflaged, just as it happens with geometric impossibilities. Also, it is important to highlight Gödel’s two Incompleteness theorems that state that in any sufficiently complex formal system, there are statements that are true but that cannot be proven within the system itself. With which this mathematical genius has shown that the truth is unattainable…

Like the gravitational lens, like the human eye and the physical senses, our truth will always be relative. The truth exists but it is not what we perceive.

TRUTH, like EVERYTHING, has two dimensions: the Conceptualizable — it can be expressed with words — and the Non-Conceptualizable — it does not allow itself to be trapped in concepts.

The first are the Forms of Truth: OUR BELIEFS, which are changing (evolve). From one moment to the next, the knowledge, feelings, paradigms… that make up ‘our truth’ vary, not the Truth! The second, the underlying essence beneath the Forms, is Being, Truth Itself, which is always Now (fixed and immutable) and will never be Not-Now (mutable and variant).

Taking into account our truth, I proceed to state the new postulate that supports the DYNAMIC LAW OF GRAVITY:

The statement would be given by the following expression:

“Gravity affects the space-time fabric through which the photon travels, deforming the path that light follows, but its speed in a vacuum is a constant. The space-time fabric is intertwined in the great equiangular logarithmic spiral, where the centroids of the golden right triangles of each level of the spiral could join together forming loops.”(
Antonia Rovayo)

In this statement it is understood that the elementary nature of the space-time fabric assuming that, on the Planck scale, said space-time is not continuous, but rather consists of a spin network in which some loops intertwine with each other in a infinite mesh. The elementary unit of space-time would be ties woven into a kind of quantum foam. The basis of this theory is that space-time is not continuous. Einstein believed that space-time could be divided infinitely. And according to this theory, no. Spacetime would be grainy. I would have how many. More or less, it would be like the pixels on your mobile screen, so that we understand each other.

And this space-time that we perceive, at a macroscopic level, as a continuous fabric, would be formed, in reality and at a quantum level, by loops. These loops would be a kind of ties that intertwine with each other to give rise to space-time. That is, unlike String Theory, in which we look at the elemental nature of subatomic particles (and say that they are vibrating one-dimensional strings), here we look at the elemental nature of space-time.

On the smallest possible scale, which is the Planck length (the smallest distance that can exist between two points in the Universe, which is equivalent to 10 to the power of -35 meters), space-time would not be a continuous mesh, but a kind of foam formed by interwoven ties or loops that give rise to said space-time.

It is the knots of the loops that weave the space-time of the Universe. And these loops or ties are intertwined forming what is known as a spin network, which represents the quantum state of a gravitational field. In other words, the gravitational attraction generated by a body depends on how the space-time loops that contain it intertwine with each other. A spin network is not in any space. It is, directly, the space itself.
“The interaction between two masses due to gravitational effect will always be push or compression and will be equal to the sum of the electrons of both, being proportional to the momentum of the gravitational waves and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them”

The gravitational lensing effect has become an important tool in Astrophysics in recent years due to a series of factors: firstly, as it depends directly on gravity, it allows the mass distribution of the lens to be studied without making intermediate estimates; secondly, many times the image of the source is enlarged so that we receive a greater amount of light from it, making it possible to detect incredibly distant objects in the universe; Third, because the image properties of the source can be very sensitive to the relative positions of the source and the lens, we can obtain data on objects that would otherwise require incredibly higher instrumental resolution than we have available in the present.

The easiest case to study is when the lens has circular symmetry. Here, if the source is located exactly behind the center of symmetry, the angle of deviation for a ray of light from it to reach the observer is the same in all directions, so the image of the source is a ring, called an annulus. of Einstein. Determining its radius — the Einstein radius — makes it easy to find the amount of mass in the lens inside it.

The zero point field, also called quantum vacuum or Dirac sea, is undoubtedly the focus of current science. It seems that from the most distant star to the tiny corpuscles, such as the electron and the quark, or even if we direct our gaze to the cell of living matter, everything is enveloped in a sea of energy and information, thanks to which everything is connected with the rest in an invisible web.

Quantum Vacuum Theory changes our concepts about the world. It governs the relationships between matter and consciousness and is related to subtle worlds and a higher reality; All of this plays an important role in the evolution of matter and in the understanding of our existence. In the very first moments of life of our Universe, this primordial void gave rise to the birth of the first particles of matter and light. For this reason it is said that mass is a condensed structure of the energy that the vacuum contains within it. It is a potential generator of everything observable; It is the source of all known fields: electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear fields.

The zero point field is also an information field, in the form of torsion waves generated by the spin of particles and that extend throughout the Universe. The magnetic impulse associated with the spin or rotational movement of all subatomic particles is registered in the sea of virtual energy of the vacuum in the form of vortices or eddies.

When particles have an electrical charge, such as the electron and the proton, they interact with virtual particles of opposite charge, giving rise to the phenomenon called vacuum polarization, a consequence of the redistribution of charge in the 0-point field. The electron is intimately connected to the energetic flow of the void. It is very important to highlight the fact that the extraction of vacuum energy is continuously occurring in each atom throughout the Universe, since each electron belonging to the atom and each free electron are positively energized. But, in the atomic system, the effects of the quantum vacuum and radiation loss cancel out.

We must be aware that each atom of our physical body is enveloped by this “etheric” reality with which it exchanges energy and information. This etheric reality constituted by the quantum vacuum fills the apparently empty space between the atoms of living beings. This is fundamental, because this, with a great probability of certainty, is going to be the key to many questions in current Physics and to many phenomena not yet admitted by orthodox science, such as telepathy, telekinesis, distant healing, teleportation and others.

Torsion field theory states that all objects, from quanta (the smallest electromagnetic energy particle) to galaxies, create vortices in a vacuum, giving rise to what is called spin polarization. Here geometry has a lot to contribute. Different geometric structures, regardless of the material from which they are built, play a fundamental role in the process I have just described. Placing, for example, a cone in a vacuum produces polarization; two regions are created in the vacuum with the opposite spin.

Physicist Harold Puthoff of the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Texas University argues that the cloud of virtual particles surrounding the electron can act as the repulsive force and that the rate at which it absorbs energy from the vacuum counteracts the energy loss. experienced by accelerated loads. From all this it is concluded that the zero point field is necessary for the stability of atoms in quantum theory.



Antonia Rovayo

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection