Writing | Reading | Etymology

New Words That Need To Be In the Dictionary

Vlock is one

Tree Langdon
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2020


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I was reading the profile of a writer I recently met and noticed that Adam Slawson used a word I’d never heard of: “vulnerebel”.

He used it like this:

Vulnerebel — “Writing about being a vulnerebel in life, love and business. Founder of Plight Club — The first rule is: you DO talk about it-

I was reminded of a game we used to play in college and thought it would be fun to bring it to my friends here. Here goes:

Invent five new words, and give us their definitions.

We all know situations or things that should have a name, but they don’t.

Make up a word that you think suits the purpose and explain to us why it should be included in the next dictionary. Be bold and let your imagination run free.

Here are some of mine:

This is when you text someone and you’re nagging them at the same time. Nag texting.

- This word is for the little row of dots that you see when you start to type in a message, and your friend starts to type, and then you both…



Tree Langdon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/