New Writer, Chin Up, Your 20 Views Equals Many Eyeballs!

Plus a few simple rules for increasing your story views!

Sergi Slavich💎


Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash

As I started a new health page on Medium (follow it if you really like health topic), I found that my new stories are not getting views very well.

I’m not used to such low numbers lately, as the average story on a Writing page gets 100–300–500 views. Well, yes that’s with 4k followers…

That’s quite obvious!

But I’m not disappointed with those numbers on the Health Page for two reasons:

  • I look at Medium as one of the platforms for my projects, and I aim to use the strengths of this platform. I’ve found a way to harmoniously complement multiple platforms, which I’ll share with you later.
  • Some new writers are very unhappy with such low numbers, not figuring out how these views are counted.

Unfortunately, Medium’s stats don’t provide us with such a valuable indicator as impressions, that is, the number of readers who saw our story in their recommendations. But let me take the data from the analytics on my Twitter page.



Sergi Slavich💎

A writer-blogger. An enthusiast in digital marketing and SEO topics. Open to job offers