New Writers, How You Can Make Time To Build Your Dream Writing Business

Don’t escape your life. Create your life.

Kristina God, MBA


New Writers, How You Can Use Your Evenings To Build Your Dream Writing Business. Women sitting on her chair with a cat on her chest.
Photo by Keren Fedida on Unsplash

I still remember an article I read by Tom Handy in which he explains how he carves out time for his online writing.

It’s in the evening.

Instead of watching TV, he writes.

If I reflect on my writing journey, it’s similar.

When I got my baby boy last year, I stopped binge-watching Netflix in the evening.

Time is just too valuable when you have a family.

Soon, I realized that I gained more mental clarity on what I really really want in life.

It’s freedom.

The slight edge

Jeff Olson’s ‘The slight edge’ is an awesome book that reminds us that small, incremental steps over time are how we build success.

In fact, eleven months ago, when I started writing on Medium, I also started CREATING instead of CONSUMING in the evening.

Sitting down and putting pen to paper, writing about my life as a new mom, my monster-in-law, my relationship with a narcissist, and about things I love as well as kind feedback motivated me to keep the ball rolling.



Kristina God, MBA

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