New York never looked so small

T. S Grant
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2020


How a pandemic changed my world.

Photo by tom coe on Unsplash

My new world consists of a decent size three bedroom apartment in the heart of Queens New York and expands three blocks to the local supermarket. New York never looked so small. Its larger than life trope now condensed to a small village where people peruse the town markets in silence. The big apple is down to its core- Browning from the influx of oxygen carried through barren streets, cold and people-less.

This is my new world. The new New York.

So quickly I had to adjust. We all did. And still are.

Jobs gone, stores closed, and masks. Masks everywhere. Millions of faceless New Yorkers quiet and stern. Eyes exposed but not seen. Like we aren’t human beings- social and emotional in nature.

It’s a weird feeling.

I took a brief walk through my neighborhood recently, mask and gloves equipped, and noticed the stillness. I had never witnessed my city mute and deaf. It was as if the wind was determined to keep its distance from any human form. Jeering at our social distance.The silence was sad but beautiful. I could feel mother natures stress ease from the lack of beings on the streets and cars on the roads. She was healing all while we continued to grow sick.



T. S Grant

Poet, lyricist and creative non fiction writer. Wordsmith.