Night Before Dawn

Finding Light

Lady Foxx


Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

My anger is all gone
Not so my sorrows
They hit and claw
At my innards in time
To the erratic thuds
Of my treacherous heart

Words long hauled echoes
As do the shards of glass
That once was a vase
All Waiting to be swept off
The floors that I now
In, find solace like a cat

The milk has been spilled
Eyes are devoid of tears
The sun also has set
Even the moon is be clouded
Making the night gloomier
Yet to dawn, all this shall giveway

His soft tap on my shoulders
Scorching sun in my eyes
Awakened me to daylight
My bottom feels the softness
Of sheets that is my bedding
Wrapping me in its warmth

But what melted my heart
And eased out the knots
Was the smiling hello…
Steaming cup of black tea
And impeccable floors today
A far cry from yesterday’s mess



Lady Foxx

Lawyer and a Poet!| ♡Reading and Travelling| In writing, I understand....