Nighttime in the Lonely City

Kindness and despair: A photo essay

Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2022


Author photo from 7th floor balcony across the street

A city dweller is alarmed by the terrible sounds drifting into her window. Dark, guttural cries. No words, just frightened, frightening cries. They seem to be coming from below ground, probably the stairs that go from the sidewalk to an entry into the garage of the building across the street, below her seventh-floor balcony.

Author photo — Helpers arrive

Finally, the watcher calls 311. 311 is unquestionably the best thing the City of San Francisco has going for it. An actual, real person answers your call, and sends it to the appropriate other real person. “Someone’s in distress,” says the caller, watching (and holding the phone out) from the balcony window. “It’s been going on for some time and I’m worried about him.” Within minutes, a red van and a white car quietly approach.

Author photo

Four men get out of the van. They begin talking in soft voices to the stranger in distress. The watcher only picks up occasional words, but it’s clear they are trying to talk him into coming up. He’s no…




Lifelong newspaper & magazine writer, author, blogger at, agitator for justice, kindness & interfaith understanding.