Nikola Tesla and EMP

Antonia Rovayo
Published in
5 min readFeb 15, 2023

I´m a science fiction writer, and am writing an interesting book about Nikola Tesla on my computer. Have been writing about him for years and have had experiences in dreams about his work. I have two books published on DYNAMIC THEORY OF GRAVITY. At the moment of maximum inspiration, everything goes dark, a big blackout has occurred in the city.

My relatives are left with the Iphone turned off, which is very strange, even the devices should have their batteries charged. I remember mine is off and I’m about to turn it on. To my surprise, it is the only one of the devices that can be turned on.

I immediately go out to ask the neighbors and they kindly reply that no one has been able to turn on their Iphone. The whole city is completely dark, we don’t know if there are more cities or more countries maybe…

One of the neighbors, who is an amateur science fiction reader, tells me that about an hour before the incident occurred, the news had been broadcast on the radio that various robots were walking through cities in different countries. They were robots that moved on wheels and possessed unknown weapons.

The neighbor had thought that it was a joke or a strategy of some politician in the campaign. The news had not been completed and it was international. No comment was made by journalists from the radio channel. No one had heard anything.

Maybe it was his imagination, he thought. An hour or so had passed after giving the news when the blackout occurred.

What relationship can a blackout have with robots? Weapons? War? Intergalactic attack? Actually, none of these questions would be consistent with the event.

10 hours had already passed since the blackout and no one could communicate over the internet or through any means of social communication. We had been invaded by an extraterrestrial intelligence?

The world powers cut off and no one can solve the technological problem. I remembered that Stephen Hawking once expressed with great concern, that one day the robots through artificial intelligence would rebel against the human and this could only stop the attack through the EMP electromagnetic pulse burst, in the entire earth the electrical service would be suspended , leaving the robots inactive.

I began to wonder if that was the real case we were experiencing. It sounded logical that my Iphone was the only one that could be turned on but without communication, since the plants had stopped working.

Now I had no doubt, I was living that! Nikola Tesla, whom I admire, was the first inventor who mentioned the magnetic pulse strategy to be used in wars. EMP electromagnetic pulse is a short and intense discharge of low frequency electromagnetic energy, produced by a nuclear explosion, or by other means, which generates electric and magnetic fields that can interfere with the operation of electrical systems.

An EMP is created when a nuclear device is detonated above the Earth’s atmosphere and acts faster, briefer and stronger than a lightning strike, being invisible and without apparent noise. However, this short-duration pulse creates high-intensity currents and surges in equipment…

It is the emission of electromagnetic energy transmitted by magnetic fields by discharge or induction, using coils and cables.

Recognized by the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) as a great novelty in the 21st century for the treatment of migraines, depression, fractures and/or muscle pain.

They stimulate angiogenesis (vascular vessel formation) and neocollagenesis (collagen production). Currently, they are used as inducers of neuromuscular contraction for muscle toning with surprising results.

This type of pulse can come from different sources such as our own Sun. In this case, however, we are talking about an electromagnetic pulse from the detonation of a nuclear bomb at high altitude.

When an atomic bomb explodes in the air over a location, it generates three electromagnetic pulses: E1, E2, and E3. E1 is a pulse of gamma rays that collide with the atmosphere at 32,000 meters and become a shower of electrons that are repelled by the Earth’s magnetic field. E2 is a pulse of high-energy neutrons shooting out in all directions, and the E3 pulse is caused by the size of the nuclear fireball and how it affects Earth’s magnetic field.

EMP bombs do not cause kills directly. The detonation takes place too far away to reach people on the ground. Its danger comes from the fact that it interferes with, neutralizes and damages electronic equipment.

That can mean things like a power outage, cars and planes going down, computer systems going haywire, and even the loss of emergency backup systems in facilities like hospitals. It sounds terrifying and there is no doubt that EMPs are a threat, but in reality it is a technology that has never been sufficiently tested.

The point is that an EMP-type attack on the United States by an enemy is even more likely than a direct attack by conventional intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The reason is that an EMP bomb requires much less precision to be effective. It just needs to detonate over some part of the country.

The truth is that no one knows for sure what an EMP bomb could do, or how powerful that bomb has to be to really have an effect. The country’s infrastructure is not ready for an EMP pulse and I believe that US intelligence agencies have underestimated the nuclear capabilities of countries like North Korea, for example.

Meanwhile, here we are terrified, nobody says anything at all. Panic seizes the population. World power is collapsing… Meanwhile, I’m still here. If I make it out of the event alive, I will write the best science fiction book ever written on planet earth. In the name of Nikola Tesla, I will issue a red alert!

Thousands of ideas arise in my mind now. It is a moment of technological reflection… And what do you think? Would you feel afraid? What would you propose? I await your comments!



Antonia Rovayo

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection