Nine Surprising Factors That Make You Less Productive.

Review the surprising factors that make you less productive in work situations.

Chandrani Anantharaman


Photo by Headway on Unsplash

We all have a million different things to do and 24 hours at our disposal. Be it a millionaire or an ordinary man, everyone you meet has the same amount of time to make a living, fulfill their dreams, and create a great life for themselves. Then, how does one person become an Elon Mask, a Tim Ferriss, or a Jeff Bezos while others fade into oblivion?

What makes a person achieve success and fame in life that others cannot emulate?

The answer is proper utilization of time and an improved way to be productive in their work commitments. While we all know how to be productive, certain obstacles can seriously affect our life goals in the long run if ignored.

Here are some of the factors that make you less productive in life.

1) You do not prioritize your work.

We all want to be successful in what we do. Most often, we get distracted by mundane things that rob us of our goals in life. Everyday distractions like constant notifications from your mobile phones, the incessant chatter of social media can…

