No, Bill Maher, Elon Musk is NOT a “Complicated Guy”

There’s nothing complex about bigotry

Jeffrey Harvey


Image from Daniel Oberhaus on Wikimedia Commons

“He’s a complicated guy.”

That was Bill Maher’s response when reputed business and technology journalist Kara Swisher recited the list of petulant insults that multi-billionaire tech tycoon Elon Musk directed her way in response to coverage he deemed insufficiently reverent.

“Oh, okay. Sure, why not?”, Swisher shot back. “How about he’s just not a complicated guy? He’s just a jerk.”

Maher’s rebuttal is as illustrative as it is nonsensical.

“I can easily prove he’s a complicated guy. Because yesterday I saw on the news somebody who was paralyzed, who was giddy with happiness, because he was being able to play video games with his mind.”

Maher is referring to the recipient of the first digital brain implant from Musk’s company Neuralink. It’s a significant step in Neuralink’s mission of connecting human brains to computers as a means of treating complicated neurological conditions. The brain-chip is a landmark scientific breakthrough. It’s also completely irrelevant in the discussion of Elon Musk’s character.

Owning a lucrative business does not make one complicated, virtuous, or or admirable. If it did, John Gotti would be the patron saint of…

