No Farewell For Young Boys

Riku Arikiri
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2020


Photo by Japheth Mast on Unsplash

tears spread, anguish breathes
no wonder timothy, had it set on a ring
alarm, alarm — wake up its time
to say goodbye, to her she is going

saying her farewell, she carefully steps
down the stairs, to her destination
Tim, he runs, her way
tearing and screaming, if only he prayed

running towards the stairs, he approached
Beatrice standing, saying farewell
Timothy walks to her stead, wiping his tears
asking her to wait, she looks at him with a glimmering smile

then time stops, as Timothy froze inside
this moment, where he felt nothing that made little sense
he grabbed her skirt, and asked her, please
won’t you stay here, with me, please

she said, all right the next time I arrive
I’ll stay with you, the entire night
As Timothy is taken back to his room
Beatrice walks into the light, so soon

Tim screams, wait for me there
Beatrice waves, as Tim just looks at the sight — one last time
sinking in the pain, reminiscing all



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.