No Medium Partnership Program? No Problem

Why I’m Staying Here Even If My Country is Unsupported By Medium

D.J. Penilla
Nov 4, 2021


A bearded man holding his glass while sitting with a desk full of papers
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

As of writing this, I can’t be a part of the Medium Partner Program. I’m based in The Philippines, which means that my country is unsupported by Stripe and, in extension, unsupported by Medium.

I started to write here to earn some experience; money is just a delightful side effect. That’s why I’m planning to stay on Medium long enough to:

  1. Build a decent following
  2. Hone my writing skills
  3. Read and learn from some fantastic authors on the platform
  4. Wait for Medium to accept my country into the MPP

I just hope that Medium and Stripe consider other countries to be part of the program because some talented writers are here too.

If you want to support me, send a coffee my way.



D.J. Penilla

Finding himself by writing articles about productivity, books, and other social issues. Donate a coffee: