No More Sweetheart II

Sometimes, people will show you better than they can tell you.

Tony Young, Jr.
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2020


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Todd returns home, after the unexpected and awkward encounter with his wife’s lover. As he walks through the house, he realizes his wife is taking a shower.

Suddenly, Todd hears his wife’s cellphone vibrating on the nightstand in their bedroom. As he gets closer, he sees that she’s receiving text messages from her lover, Scott. Usually, Todd isn’t one to pry into Amanda’s personal things, but given that he just caught her cheating in their marriage, he decides to read the text messages, as Amanda didn’t lock her cellphone.

Todd scrolls to the last text message from Scott, “Amanda, be careful, because Todd just stopped me on the road and now he’s coming to my job tomorrow”. After reading more of Amanda and Scott’s text messages, Todd can feel his blood pressure rising.

Shockingly, Todd comes across a video that Scott sent to Amanda. With much audacity, Scott had his cellphone propped up on Todd and Amanda’s nightstand recording their sex act. Todd saw his wife taking Scott’s belt off with her mouth, and engaging in sex with this other man without the use of a condom. As Todd continues to watch the video, in disgust, he sees himself in the video when he walks into the room and catches them having sex.



Tony Young, Jr.
Tone Squared

Author and writer! My goal is to inspire readers to enjoy life, be responsible, and be kind during our short time in this world.