No One Can Read Your Mind

4 ways to keep assumptions from ruining relationships



Unspoken assumptions can leave partners puzzled about what you really want. Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

I’m an unabashed fan of advice columns.

Just about every publication I subscribe to features one, and I lap up every single word.

There’s a lot of comfort in knowing others face similar struggles, and intrepid advice-givers and their faithful followers offer some great tips.

One complaint that appears with startling regularity is the mind-reading failure.

Ever had a partner who shrugs when asked what they want to watch on television then sulks when you vote for Netflix over basketball?

Or been baffled by a loved one who says they want to spend a lazy day relaxing but complains about being bored when offered a bagel, cup of coffee, and half the Sunday newspaper?

Where do these unspoken expectations come from?

They’re especially prevalent in romantic relationships. Intuiting our every thought, desire and disappointment is now a requirement for soulmate status.

Expecting a partner to know what bothers you without telling them reflects anxiety and a fear of being neglected, said Baylor University, Professor Keith Sanford.




Former reporter/editor now freelancing from the base of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. I write about business, health and mental health.