No One Visualizes a World With Karens for Hire

Karens: the unpopular fun police.

Fatunla Samuel


Two women holding each other.
Image from JFL on Canva

This one is for the party crashers (Karens). The fun police (Karens) and horrible noise makers (Karens)!

Seems like a lot?… YES!

Well, if you know nothing about the word ‘Karen’ then it means you are not American, you’re probably not a fan of YouTube shorts, or you are a Karen yourself.

Some would say a Karen is a demanding individual.

Meanwhile, a much more direct description shows;

A Karen is a specific type of middle-class white woman who exhibits behaviors that stem from privilege — Ashitha Nagesh

I see Karens as regular people who just overreact. Also, I hope we never get to experience a world with Karens for hire.

Here’s why!

There are a thousand and more short videos that will get you laughing about how demanding some Karens can get.

Check them out #entitledkaren #karensgettingschooled #akarenscorner

It’s no news that people who flaunt privileges are annoying, and yes, all Karens are annoying. But really, there is a positive side to having a Karen in your neighborhood.



Fatunla Samuel

I write personal essays and reflective pieces that draw from my life experiences, offering readers insights and lessons to enrich their own lives.