No Straight Lines

It’s okay to be your beautiful and messy self

John C. Davis


Photo by Will Swann on Unsplash

It’s okay to be confused. It’s okay to not know what’s going on. It’s okay to not understand.

Some of us have the misconception that we must have everything figured out. If somehow, we could neatly place everything in a category and understand it, then everything would be ok. We love to be able to make sense of things. And, when we don’t things can get stressful.

I find in my own life that things are extremely messy. I have never followed a straight line on anything. I am always moving in multiple directions with many different ideas swirling around at the same time. In fact, it is a miracle when I complete something. It takes a massive amount of commitment on my part to see something through. And, I don’t always see something through for that reason.

If I remember correctly, I was the kid in elementary school that could never color within the lines. And, when I was able to it took great effort. I had to find a way to contain myself.

What’s interesting about this is that I tend to not be a risk-taker. I tend to play it very safe. This playing it safe has not always been a good thing for me.

I take on so many projects, and yet want to play it safe by sticking to the same routines.



John C. Davis

I am an author, writer, and speaker, interested in highlighting and celebrating the endless beauty of the human spirit.