No, the future is not female.

Neither is it male.

3 min readMay 1, 2023


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

I do not know who came up with these kinds of sayings:

  1. “What a man can do, a woman can do better.”
  2. “The future is female.”

I even watched a TikTok video where a Japanese man was throwing arrows into some ball and he was throwing them one by one and correctly and then came this lady behind him and threw 10 arrows at once and with such precision that all men and women were left with their mouths open. She flipped again and threw more and oh my! The precision and exactitude! While they portrayed a man that prepared and could only throw arrows one by one. I was sitting there wondering what their point was!

And if it was that what a man can do, a woman can do better then no, she can’t! The law of comparative advantage teaches that everyone can do best what they are endowed best to do. That does not mean that the other person is better and superior than the other, it simply means that they are best at that specific thing and are worse at the other. That's the basis of international trade. Even the most powerful countries benefit from trade because there is always someone that can do something better or at a lesser cost than the other. Now letting that one do it and the other do something else is not proof of superiority.

Photo by Jud Mackrill on Unsplash

I am a woman and I believe that women must be given all human rights. I believe that we need to be given access to all opportunities so that we can do all that we are capable of doing and are trained to do. But I do not want us in the pursuit of that make men look inferior to women. Men are not superior beings to women, and neither are women superior to men. We are cut differently and can accomplish different things differently.

Nothing will be achieved by making one gender less than the other. We women will not cry out to be treated equally and then turn around and attempt to put men in the lower place where we used to be. That’s hypocrisy even without talking about the damages to society of making our sons feel less than their sisters.

I remember wasting my life trying to prove that I was an intelligent being because it was said that nothing is to be expected of a female child. It didn’t matter the grades, the obedience or anything. Nothing was ever enough. I’m not about to let us in the pursuit of finding our place and acceptance, at the same time tramp upon our own sons just to put our daughters ahead. We must put all of them ahead.

The future is not female!

The future is both male and female!

The future is together!

Find the balance though your motives be right, let your actions not contradict your intentions.

Let us top this and now! Men are men and women are women. There are things men are better at and there are things women are best at. And that's it. No gender is superior!

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash




With the hope of leaving the world better than I found it, I talk about divorce, equality, marriage, women related issues and anything that lingers on my mind.