Noah and Margo

A short story about the first quarantine.

Philip Siddons


Image by Alexander Anrews via | unsplash license.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was in the days in the early morning of time. Kids didn’t listen to their parents and generally stayed out with the family horse well past curfew.

In the evenings, after the hummingbird races in heaven, God would look down at the earth and start to get a headache. People were picking too much food and hoarding it. Some went hungry while others watched their stockpiles rot because they hadn’t invented preservatives.

By now, most of the politicians and magistrates were on the take. Even when they did get caught, these powerful crooks would retire rich and earn even more wealth by publishing memoirs commemorating their decadence.

Along with everything else that humanity had messed up, it had been decided by a small-town council, up in Northern Mesopotamia, that yellow people were going to be the preferred color. From then on, the blacks, the reds and the whites were thought of as “inferior.” The more God thought about it, the angrier God became.

Not much was going right. Some people were bossing others around for no rational reason. Millions were living their lives as if they, alone, were the only ones with feelings.



Philip Siddons

Working to create egalitarian communities which seek gender, racial & economic justice. | |