
Nobody Cares About Whether You Feel Like Doing Hard Work Today or Not.

The mindset you need to push through procrastination.

Kai Arthur Allison


Photo by Alora Griffiths, Image here, on Unsplash

When was the last time you skipped going to the gym, or you just didn’t work on your side hustle, because you just didn’t feel like it? If you are like most people and behave this way frequently, then your answer to this question is probably going to be pretty disappointing. If you, however, aren’t like most people, and you never skip a gym workout and always do the hard stuff no matter how you feel, then you are better than 90% of people and can stop reading this. Statistically speaking, however, it is safe to assume for me that you aren’t among that powerful 10 % of people and instead belong to the other 90%. That’s why I write this article. I want to help you. I am going to give you a simple yet powerful weapon to fight the lazy part of your brain whenever it tries to take control.

Even the most fun things can be annoying sometimes. For example, even if you work in your dream job, you are going to have days when you just don’t feel like wanting to work at all. Concerning your overall productivity, such days don’t matter in your work life, because external influences are forcing you to work no matter how you feel (e.g. your boss). Sadly, however, you don’t have such influences in your private life. This is the reason why it is so hard to stick to something like a gym or running habit.

It’s just that some days you aren’t going to feel like working out or running, and there is going to be no one forcing you to do so. A lot of people also lack discipline, so they are incapable of forcing themselves to do it. This is pretty sad and a whole other topic by itself. In this article, however, I want to show you the mindset I use to tune off the lazy part of my brain whenever it tries to persuade me to skip a workout or run.

This skill is crucial to building successful habits because after all, with every time you skip something, the chance of you ending the habit altogether increases exponentially.

My version of a “nobody” cares mindset.

Whenever I am at a point where I am thinking about skipping or quitting (by the way, two of the words people like David Goggins hate the most) I think about something special. In my mind, I tell myself that nobody cares about whether I like what I am supposed to do or not.

Thinking this gets me back on the ground because it is so true. To better understand this, just imagine the following. You go to the gym for a few months, and then you quit because you didn’t like it. You were very fat when you visited the gym first and because you quit that early nothing changed. Ten years later, you are at a party and one of your friends tells a story about his weight loss journey. At that moment, you tell your friends that you were trying to lose a few pounds by going to the gym in the past too. They look at you and see that you were unsuccessful in your endeavor. So they ask you why you quit and didn’t succeed like your other friend. You tell them that you just didn’t like it. What do you think they are going to think?

They aren’t going to care about your excuse at all. All they would have ever cared about, in this case, is whether you have lost weight or not. It’s the same everywhere in life. All that matters are the results.

The next time the lazy part of your brain tries taking over control, remember this. After all, everything that matters, in the end, is the results you achieve. No one cares about whether it was fun for you or not, they only care about the results. Never forget that!

Don’t quit, don’t skip, keep hammering!



Kai Arthur Allison

Jogger. Writer. Student | Writing about Tech, History, Success, and everything that I think can help people in life | Support me and my writing by following me