Non-healing bruises

Ricardo Böck
Published in
Nov 21, 2021

Pain walks side by side with us. Or is it an illusion? Are we able to choose?

Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

I have scars all over my soul

It started that day,

the first time I should’ve said no,

but didn’t.

My omission has taught you

I would be passive from then on.

You took that as a free pass

to keep hurting,





I was so weak I couldn’t react.

You came across my lying body on the ground

and was ready to trample my face.

All at once I grabbed your shin

and dropped you on the floor.

I lashed you thirstly

and could feel the smile on the whip.

The reins were mine again.

Sorrow, I deal the cards from now on.

I’m not afraid of your presence,

you can walk along.

If you are courageous enough.



Ricardo Böck

I write fiction and poetry. Reach me on Social Networks: @iamricardobock