Not Feeling Passionate About Your 9-to-5 Job? Start here

Tamar Meisels
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by on Unsplash

You have a 9–5 job, but something is missing. You don’t feel passionate about it, or maybe even dislike it.

Maybe you never thought much about what you really want to do.
Maybe you never really liked the job or field you are in but need the money. Maybe you once liked it and felt passionate about it, but not anymore. Maybe you're not sure what to do next. Does any of these sounds like you?

You are not alone. Recent studies show, while most American employees are satisfied with their jobs, only 20% are “passionate”.

There is a balance in life between content in what you currently have, while still striving for more. You can be appreciative of your current state and still work towards a more exciting or different future. With this delicate balance, the process isn’t painful, but you are still growing.

In this article, we will discuss — How to feel more content now, while taking steps to grow and improve our current situation.

“Doing what you like is freedom.

Liking what you do is happiness.” ~Frank Tyger

Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

First a disclaimer- if your work environment is toxic and you are being greatly mistreated, then you might need to get out as soon as possible. I am referring to a job which you just aren't excited about, not anything dramatically wrong about it.

Realize you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now

You may be sitting at your office desk thinking: “What am I doing here?” or, “How did I get here?”. Realize this is where G-d put you, that is where he wants you to be right now. Maybe you need to get somewhere else, but up till this point, this was the path he sent you on and precisely where you needed to be. These coworkers, boss, and job environment is exactly where you needed to be.

Appreciate what you have

Think how lucky you are to have landed a job. Millions of people would consider themselves lucky to get a job.

In a 9–17 job you have -

  • Set times that enable you to have free time during the other hours of the day providing a healthy balance between your personal and professional life.
  • Vacation days
  • Friends at work
  • Steady income — enabling you to support yourself and your family.
  • Life stability — reliable work environment day after day.
  • You're treated well. Especially here in Israel, in the high-tech industry there is such competition for workers, most companies treat their employees exceptionally well.

It's not about your job, but who you are at the job

Maybe your job is menial or feels menial to you. You feel like anyone can replace you. Truth is, most jobs and positions, however, can be done by many people. What makes you unique is who you are as a person in that position; Your unique aura and light. That can’t be replaced. There are many opportunities to share your personality and essence with your surrounding work world.

Use your job to discover more about your likes and talents

Take this time at your job to really understand yourself. Practice self-awareness. What tasks do you like? Which parts of the job are you enjoying? Which are you enjoying less and why? What is missing at this work?

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Instead of “I don’t know” tell yourself “I’m figuring it out”

If you don’t know exactly what you’re life’s work is and you want to figure it out, try rewording the problem. The way we talk to ourselves makes a big difference. Instead of feeling lost and desperate, we change the wording in our minds to determination.

“There’s two types of people in the world:
1) I don’t know how to do it.
2) I don’t know how to do it but I’ll find a way.”
— Ross Simmonds

Figuring out what you do want

Take time and think about what your values are. What it is that you really want from life. Consider hiring a career coach to help you with this.

Take courses non-related to your field. Explore and experiment with hobbies.

What about the 9–5 that bothers you? Do you want more free time? Work 4 days a week? More freedom in your tasks? Prefer to run your own business? Work as a Freelancer? New company? New role in your current company?

Take a few months off

Taking a few months off can bring a lot of value. You might find that you want to return to your job and field, or not. This time can help you further explore yourself and your likes.

Live beneath your means and invest, so you don't “have” to work

Being desperate for work or for a job is not a good idea. You want to have the freedom to quit and find a more exciting role even if it offers you less pay. Best would be if you can quit your job and didn’t need to “work” at all. However, even after this financial freedom you still will need to discover what you value and are passionate about. This just helps to remove financial strains.



Tamar Meisels

Jewish wife and mother, pursuing a life of happiness and meaning. Data analyst by day, blogger by night