Not Happy? It’s Time You Levelled Up

Unless you're ok with mediocrity

Kunaal b


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels with graphics designed by author

It came to a point where I was just stagnant in life. Frustrated and not making any progress. I constantly kept asking myself I'm doing everything I can, why the hell am I still stuck in the same place”.

Have you felt that way before?

When reflecting on myself and life, I had a realization that:

You're only as good as how much you know,

You're only as good as your skills.

You’ll only go so far with the beliefs you have right now.

Getting to the next level of our lives requires us to level up every aspect of ourselves. In some cases, maybe just one aspect.

I realized that I had to stop and change something. Not just change in a superficial way, but a real, lasting and substantial change. A change that shifts my reality to what I envision it to be.

Why Tricks and Hacks Never Worked, Levelling Up Takes Real Work

Magic with wands to make a wish.
Magic GIF designed by author.

