No Need To Exercise. Live A Utopian Lifestyle Instead

All it takes is a little pill…too easy!

Maria Rattray


If you’re one of those people who cringe at the idea of having an exercise routine, worry not We have you covered.

Jonathon Shaw, managing editor for Harvard Magazine, has come up with a brilliant idea, a tried-and-tested way to to achieve health and fitness.


It’sa marvel of modern medicine. This pill will end everyone’s health and fitness worries. This is a pill that is wide in its scope, and addresses all manner of ailments, cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, or diverticulitis, to mention a few.

This is one magical pill…it:

  • makes your skeleton amazingly strong.
  • allows your heart to beat steadily as in the days of your youth.
  • and your blood lipid profile, daringly impressive.

But it has even more merit

You’ll grow new capillaries in your heart, your skeletal muscles, and your brain, improving blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Your attention span will increase. If you have arthritis, your symptoms will improve. The pill will help you regulate your appetite and you’ll probably find you prefer healthier foods. You’ll feel better



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: