Nothing Is Free Here

Your willingness to pay the price matters

Saeed Khan
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

More than eight billion people live on the planet Earth. No two people are the same.

Everyone is unique in terms of behavior, mindset, and preferences.

Everybody wants to be successful in life. We all want to have a generous amount of money in our bank accounts. We want more recognition and respect.

However, we fail to gauge the amount of time, money, and effort it takes. We fail to calculate the hard work, sleeplessness, and sacrifice it takes. There is always a cost we’ve got to pay if we want to be successful.

Below are the factors that distinguish a successful person from an unsuccessful person.

Successful people:

  • They have dreams, visions, and goals in life.
  • They make the right decisions and have definite plans.
  • They begin with the end in mind. They work hard and execute their plans.
  • They go the extra mile to make their dreams come true.
  • They show willingness to pay the price and are ready to give what their goals take.
  • They have a positive attitude, and they love what they do. They show a firm commitment to their goals.
  • They take full responsibility for their failures, and they learn from them.
  • They can go to any extent to achieve their target, and they can sacrifice whatever it demands.
  • They are disciplined, consistent, and determined. They inspire others with their actions, and they never give up on their dreams.

Unsuccessful people:

  • Unsuccessful people don’t have a vision or goal in life.
  • They have low self-confidence, and they procrastinate a lot.
  • They are lazy, and they consider themselves to be better than others.
  • They don’t value time, and they spend most of it with negative people.
  • They talk big, and they brag about what they do.
  • They aren’t ready to pay the price of success.
  • They don’t listen to others, and they think they know better than others.
  • They always blame other people or situations for their failures.
  • They don’t take risks and always seek shortcuts.
  • They easily give up on their dreams.

Key takeaways:

  1. Everything has a set price; without paying the price, nothing can be achieved.
  2. Your willingness to pay for what it takes determines the level of seriousness you show.
  3. Don’t procrastinate; take prompt action whenever it’s needed.
  4. Don’t be afraid to fail, because with every failure, you get closer to success.
  5. Don’t be afraid to take risks; if it works, you’ll be happy, and if it fails, you’ll be wiser and more experienced.
  6. Fill your ambiance with positivity; it will ward off all the negative things and people. Because positivity attracts more positivity and repels negativity.
  7. Never give up. Because, when it comes to pursuing dreams, giving up shouldn’t be an option.

“Success is not free; it comes at a cost.”

Thank you very much for reading! I hope it helps; if so, don’t leave without clapping. If there is a suggestion or piece of advice for me, please leave a comment. I would be more than happy to know. If you press the follow button, it will boost my encouragement manyfold.



Saeed Khan

My name is Saeed Khan, and I'm an educator cum writer. I enjoy reading books, articles, blogs and stories. To become a great writer is my dream