Nourishing Your INFP Soul

A Guide to Finding Inner Peace for INFPs

Dan Martin


Image: Dall-E

If you’re an INFP like me, you probably have a rich inner world and a deep connection to your emotions.

We INFPs feel things very intensely. This means that our souls are nourished by experiences that touch our hearts.

The problem is, in today’s hyper-fast world, it can be challenging to find the time and space to nurture inner peace.

I hope that this post will help you discover some ways to nourish your soul and become a healthy and well-balanced INFP.

1. Create Space for Solitude

As an INFP, you need time alone to recharge and reflect.

Personally, I need a lot of time on my own to make sense of my feelings and the world in general. If I spend too much time with others or taking in noise from various forms of media — TV, internet, radio, or even books — I get worn out.

Solitude is a great way to nourish your soul and recharge your emotional batteries. Make solitude a priority in your daily life.

For me, that means waking up about an hour or two before the rest of my family.

I’ve got three noisy daughters and a teenage step-son (not to mention an attention-loving cat and dog!) so an early hour or two of solitude is like gold-dust for me.

I usually spend that time meditating, journaling, and reflecting on my inner feelings. If I can’t do it in the morning, I make sure to set aside some time later in the day.

There are others ways to carve out a bit of solitude for yourself. Whether it’s taking a long walk in nature, practicing yoga, or simply sitting in silence, it’s good to make time for activities that allow you to be alone with your thoughts and emotions.

2. Express Your Creativity

INFPs are natural-born creators.

Expressing your creativity is an essential way to nourish your INFP soul.

Take time to write, paint, play music, or practice any other creative pursuit.

It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it helps you to express yourself and channel some of your deepest emotions. Don’t worry about the outcome; the process of creating is what matters most.

A couple of years ago, I wrote a children’s book, Mikey the Magic Poet.

Writing the book was one of the best experiences of my life.

The therapeutic benefits of writing it far outweigh the fact that it may not make much money. I enjoyed it so much that I’m working on my second book right now, as well as a series of short stories, which will be published soon.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the art of being present in the moment and fully engaged with your surroundings.

This is something that I struggled with greatly at first, and still do. We’re all bought up in a very ‘mind-based’ culture. We spend way too much time inside our own heads and not enough time in the present moment and engaging with our feelings.

As an INFP, you have a natural ability to connect with your senses and experience the world in a deeply meaningful way.

Practice mindfulness in your daily life by paying attention to your breath, observing your surroundings, and tuning in carefully to your emotions.

4. Connect with Others

While solitude is essential for nourishing your soul, connection with others is equally important. I have to remind myself of this constantly as I would happily live as a hermit!

As an INFP, you crave meaningful connections with others.

I feel most alive when sharing my thoughts and emotions with people who understand me. I find that other INFPs, ENFPs, and INFJs are best for this, but any MBTI type can be good to spend time with, as long as they are healthy and well-balanced.

Make time for social activities that allow you to connect with others on a deep level. Some ideas may include joining a book club, attending a poetry reading, going on organized nature walks, or simply spending time with close friends and family.

5. Follow Your Inner Compass

Healthy INFPs tend to have a natural sense of purpose and a strong inner compass that’s guides by intuition.

Embrace these unique gifts and talents and pursue activities that align with your values and passions.

This could mean volunteering for a cause you care about or pursuing a career that allows you to express your creativity and help others. Following your inner compass is an essential part of nourishing your soul.

Make Room for Inner Peace

To sum up, nourishing your INFP soul is mainly about being creative, making space for solitude, as well as connecting with others on a deep level.

Practicing mindfulness and embracing and living by your inner values are just as important.

If you can make these practices a part of your daily life, you drastically improve your chances of finding inner peace and fulfilment in a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming.

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