Now Might Be The Best Time To Start Your YouTube Channel

The one big reason I’m not hearing discussed

Aria Dailee


A man, dressed in a yellow button-down shirt, is holding up a phone to his forehead that has the YouTube logo on the screen.
Photo by Rachit Tank on Unsplash

For the last month or so I’ve been working on adding YouTube to my side hustle repertoire. While I was busy learning about YouTube best practices and picking a niche, I noticed something. This may be the best time to start a channel. Over the past year, I’ve noticed that YouTube has changed their algorithm. If you’ve been wanting to start a channel on YouTube but felt that the platform is too saturated, I have some great news for you!

The algorithm change, from what I could tell, happened early in the pandemic when the entire world was ordered to stay at home by our respective governments. Around April 2020, I noticed a shift in the algorithm that made it better at predicting content that I was interested in. While the algorithm is constantly changing, this change was actually one I noticed. A better algorithm means that YouTube will be more profitable by keeping and maintaining its audience’s attention during a time when people are looking for content because they are spending more time at home.



Aria Dailee

Research geographer whose mind is full of too many thoughts to keep to herself. ➽➽ Newsletter: ➽ My Socials: