Now That They Have Banned Dr. Seuss, Will The Bible Be Next?

Read the Old Testament and Decide if The Bible Should be Banned



My children read Dr. Seuss books and turned out fine. They are not violent people, murderers, or haters. On the contrary, they are kind, loving, good men.

Millions of children around the world have read at least some of the Dr. Seuss books and the vast majority are good, decent, honorable members of society. These children’s books have hurt no one.

So why is there this sudden outrage about Dr. Seuss?

I still have my sons’ Dr. Seuss books and I am not going to burn them.

The woke and cancel culture crowd is out of control. They find problems where there are none. To ban books is to ban freedom of thought, and freedom of speech. It is censorship and is not how democracy is supposed to work.

America is supposed to be the bastion of freedom and democracy and is the last place on Earth where the banning of books is to be considered.

Books are banned in countries all around the world.

The question to be asked when a country bans a book is, what do the politicians want to hide from the…




Abinas Jagernauth is a retired accountant, poet and writer. He lives with his wife in Ottawa, Canada.