Numbers Floating Everywhere!

If you can wield numbers, you will at this time!

Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.


Unsplash Data Analysis Computer Screenshot 5 21 24.

Data analysis machines. Quick. Accurate as the data set they work from.

The time for output is in a few nanoseconds. Graphics take a little longer if you print them out digitally or on paper.

Everything a computer outputs is driven by numbers; driven everywhere an algorithm and its hardware can go. That is further than a human operator can go in terms of time required and accuracy recorded for any given data analysis outcomes if the computer and the human work from the same data set.

Numerical, textual, and image definitions are everything in mathematics, which does include statistics, coding, and machine learning. I produce images in Google Gemini by asking a query that includes the elements I desire in an image. The image is AI-fast and exists to help readers think and feel about what they are interacting with. These things are important to human information recipients, long before conversion to a data set can happen!

The Way Onward! Image Collaboration between TDHawkes and Google Gemini. circa 2024.

Somewhere out there in the Universe and the future, as we accept it is out there and subject to our mental and emotional involvement,

all the outcomes we will encounter as individuals and in groups

over time

by location

are produced. It is all mathematics in the end. Well, proportions of mathematical metrics by matrix over time and location. At least in how we define and try it all out by data set — computer or no computer!




Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

We all matter! Code: ALL. A Warren Democrat. A scientist. A poet. A mother. LOVES Bader Ginsburg. Loves McCartney. Is old.Is white.Is LGBTQ.She/her/me.Is woman.