Oberon [Part 1]

Return to the Source

Eric Fermon™


Artwork Courtesy of Author, All Rights Reserved

Returning to the Source [Oberon]

Prior to leaving Lunar Base 25, a recurring thought began to surface insinuating that the trail I’m following doesn’t make complete sense, although training and experience tells me other. 50 years of service as an agent of the Space Federation has taught me that eventually the truth unfolds if you remain persistent and just follow the leads and evidence presented to you, because no matter where they take you, you’ll find your answers.

For the journey from Lunar Base 25 to Oberon, a Class IV interplanetary cargo transport was requisitioned that had a propulsion system which was faster than the one driving the hijacked transport I’ve been tracking. By all calculations, we should arrive on Oberon approximately 1.5 days prior to the hijacked shipment. Almost 13 weeks have passed since the hijack occurred but it feels like a lifetime. My heart is heavy with the possibility that this mission may not have a positive outcome. Negativity is not one of my personality traits, yet I keep thinking that I’ve missed some critical details and we’re far off track, or that I’ll arrive on Oberon too late.

Silvia’s cryptic message left on Mars only provided further confirmation that the hijacked Urite Shipment was returning to Oberon, albeit via Venus. After analyzing…



Eric Fermon™

USAF Veteran, AT&T, Author of: How to Get Your Dream Car; Available at Barnes&Nobel, iBookstore, Lulu.com! Know Your Calling & Stay In Motion!