NaPoWriMo 2024 day 9

Ode to My Belly

Antonio Segovia, MD.
1 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Oh, how much cash,
you’ve cost and keep costing me.
Keeping you full comes at a price
neither kind to my wallet,
nor to my well-being, oh gee!

Cholesterol skyrockets,
with barbecues and pizzas as my cheer,
taming my mood swings,
and my emotional atmosphere.

Uric acid climbs with every sip of wine,
the creator didn’t think it was divine
to devise the most straightforward sign
for us to control our taste buds fine.

But the real villains are the sweets,
macarons and ice creams, my diabetes greets,
knowing too well my sugary feats.

In the end, we perish
by what we eat and cherish.

The doctor measured my beautiful girth,
and remarked on my circumference’s worth,
as if happiness on earth
was measured by anything but delight.

In the end, there’s no other way
to handle my anxiety each day
but to eat as if it’s my last play.

I’ll die if God so wishes,
with a belly full and a heart that swishes
with joy and delicious dishes.

But I do hope
this new shrink can help me cope,
so together, we might stop
this belly and sadness with which I elope.



Antonio Segovia, MD.

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.