Of Making Many Lists, There is No End?

Confessions from a recovering idea-hoarder and list-maker.

Tim Maudlin
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2020


See the word PIVOT on the list in the upper left? That idea was implemented at this LINK. Photo by the Author

I’m a recovering idea-hoarder and list-maker.

I guess you could say it’s in my genes. My Grandma Fisher was a hoarder. Widowed at 44 years old in 1952, she became the bread-winner for my Mom and Uncle. Grandma taught elementary school a mile down the road from her house for the next 22 years.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Her students loved her. I remember every Halloween she would get dozens of trick-or-treaters. At first, they were her former students. Then it was the children of her students. They kept visiting even after she retired.

So how does that make her a hoarder? After Grandma passed away, my Mom and Uncle discovered boxes of student papers in her house!

She never threw anything away. Why did she keep all of that stuff? No one knows!

Whether you call it a blessing or a curse, my mind is inundated with ideas. I don’t know why. Ideas pop into my head all of the time. And I’ve gotten really good at…



Tim Maudlin

Podcaster | Storyteller | Journaling Coach | Want to Declutter Your Mind? I Encourage Creativity and Soul-Searching with the Power of Pen to Paper