Off-Page Optimization: The Complete Guide To Off-Page SEO

The Complete Guide To Off-Page SEO

Arsalan Haroon
10 min readAug 17, 2021


Off-page optimization plays an essential role in your overall seo strategy. Although, on-page seo can optimize your website for Google.

But it’s not enough to rank on top pages, You need off-page seo for that because it makes a big difference for Google ranking.

Off-page seo also plays a crucial role for Google because Google ranks websites mostly on their off-page optimization.

But off-page seo is not that much of an easy task as on-page seo is. It takes more hard work and time to do off-page seo and, that is why very few do off-page optimization.

That’s why those few people will rank on top pages in Google because they did the hard work required to get ranking.

If you want to get ranking on Google, it’s not enough to just put some keywords on your website and do on-page seo. Most people are doing this, you have to separate yourself from those to make it to the top ranking on Google.

Off-page seo is not as easy as on-page seo, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. If you do things that are not easy, you will get a great reward.

So let’s first start with the basics of off-page optimization and understand what is off-page seo and why it is important.

What is off-page seo

Off-page seo refers to seo practices that you do outside your website to increase your search engine ranking.

If you do keyword research on your website and put that keyword into your website. that is not off-page seo because you optimize your website to increase your ranking.

Off-page seo is something that you do outside of your website to increase your ranking on Google.

Why off page seo is important

Off-page optimization plays an essential role in ranking your website on Google.

Most studies found that the more backlinks you have on your website, the more ranking you will get on Google. If other websites link to your website and recommend your website.

Google sees this as a very positive factor which means Google thinks the other websites trust your website. That’s why they link to you and, when they link to you, For Google, your website becomes trustworthy. Which means they give more ranking and traffic to you.

If other websites trust your website, Google will trust your website.

Most people do on page seo, But complain why they don’t get any traffic. These people say that seo is a useless thing to do or I waste my time.

But they don’t realize is that they only did half part of the seo, which is on page seo. They forget the off-page seo and, without off-page optimization, it’s hard to imagine that you get top ranking on Google.


What is the difference between on-page seo and off-page seo

On-page seo is seo practices that you do on your website to optimize for search engine ranking factors. On-page seo is everything you do on your website to optimize for seo.

Off-page seo is a practice that you do outside of your website to increase your search engine ranking. Off-page seo is everything that you do outside of your website to optimize for seo.

Off-page and on-page seo if you do both and keep doing. not only on-page seo but also off-page optimization of your website and keep working for it.

You can get thousands of traffic if you do both off-page and on-page seo because without one of them. It is impossible to rank on Google, so it’s crucial to do both off-page and on-page seo to increase your ranking on Google.


Backlinks are the process of getting links from other websites into your website.

It indicates to Google that other websites trust your websites which gives Google a strong indicator that your website is trustworthy, It can give you a higher ranking on Google. Although, Google still notices some other on-page seo factors to rank your website.

Without backlinks, if you do all the on-page seo and don’t do link building. It is hard to imagine that you rank on top pages on Google. Because backlinks give Google signs that other websites trust you.

Google can trust you and if they trust you. They give you more ranking and traffic if you have more backlinks.

66% of pages have zero backlinks pointing to them, you know why people don’t do backlinks although they can increase their ranking on Google?

It’s not as easy as on-page seo like putting keywords on your website. Building backlinks is not an easy thing, that’s why most people don’t do it.

Getting backlinks from any other website does not guarantee that Google will trust your website because Google only trusts your website when other popular websites in your industry link to you.

It means getting one link from a popular website is better than getting ten links from websites with no traffic.

In backlinks, the quantity of backlinks doesn’t matter. But the quality of backlinks matters to Google.

Find backlink opportunities on the website which is popular in your industry and, Google already trusts them. But how do you know google trusts their website?

You can see the domain authority of a website through Ubersuggest and other tools.

SEO Tool
The screenshot has taken by the author

The higher the domain authority of a website, the more Google trusts that website.

But it doesn’t mean the medium and small-sized websites are not good at building backlinks.

They are great for building backlinks, but your main goal should always be to target websites that Google trusts most in your industry.

Difference between No-follow and do-follow backlinks

If you get backlinks from other websites, sometimes it doesn’t provide any value to your website. Why? Because that’s are no-follow backlinks.

They indicate Google that dont provide value to the website with a no-follow link. it doesn’t give any value to your website if you have no-follow backlinks.

But the do-follow backlinks are on the other end. Do provide value to your website and indicate to Google that other websites trust your website, which can increase your ranking and traffic.

Let’s get into some of the ways you can build backlinks

Broken links building method

It is a method where you find broken links on other websites, which means they link to pages that no longer exist.

But if you inform the website owner that they have a broken link and tell them to replace, the broken link with your link. Which has the information their audience needs, then it would be great.

The reason why this strategy works is that it’s a win-win situation for both website owners.

The other websites will have no broken links, which will influence their ranking traffic on Google, and they also get content links to replace with broken links.

You get backlinks from that website which can increase your ranking and traffic on Google.

This strategy works, but still, it requires hard work to find broken links on other websites.

If you have paid tools like Ahrefs, you can easily find broken links by going to content explorer, type in the keyword, and put the category into broken links.

Backlinks through infographic

If you provide valuable content on infographics that can help solve the problem of the audience. then other websites will also want that infographic and, they will link back to your website because you created it.

That’s also a great strategy, But you have to create something unique and solve your audience’s problem. It can help you build backlinks through infographics. Make sure you create good design valuable infographics.

Long-form content

Now it doesn’t mean every long-form content will get you backlinks, but the study shows that long-form content gets 77% more links than shorter posts.

Why long-form content gets more links than short posts? They are detailed long-form content that provides value to the audience.

You need to create long-form content that provides value to your audience.

Putting fancy words in your content to make it long-form doesn’t give you any backlinks. People only link to those long-form content that is different from other content.

Guest blogging

One of the popular common ways to build links is guest blogging, it has a win-win situation for both site owners, and you get two benefits of doing guest blogging.

First, you provide your content to a new audience which means you can increase your brand awareness through that new audience, and the second reason is you get backlinks from that website.

Why guest blogging works so well for building backlinks? Other websites get valuable content for their website.

Which can help their audience and, you get backlinks from their website. It’s a win-win situation for site owners.

But make sure you write a guest post for those in your industry who have higher domain authority which means Google trusts that site.

Although, don’t miss the opportunity to write on smaller and medium-sized websites.

They still provide great value, but your main goal should be to write on a high-domain authority website.

You can find guest blogging opportunities by typing on the google name of your industry with the term “write for us” like this.

Write for us
The screenshot has taken by the author

You can use other keywords then write for us to find more guest blogging opportunities.

You can get thousands of websites to do guest blogging but analyze which website has more domain authority so you can know where you get more valuable links for your website.

Backlinks have a crucial role in off-page optimization and Google ranking because without backlinks, it’s impossible to rank on top pages in Google.

Invest in Youtube

Youtube can be a great way to build your brand. When you create valuable content on a youtube channel. And it is seen by thousands of people.

People will search your brand on Google, Which can increase your brand awareness and traffic. This gives a Google positive indication that people are searching for your brand.

Youtube marketing can increase your off-page optimization because it gives Google an indication that people are searching for your brand that can increase your ranking and traffic on Google.

Influencer outreach

Influencer marketing can also benefit your off-page seo. when some influencers recommend your product or service. then their audience will likely search about your brand on Google.

This can also give Google a clear indication that people are searching for your brand. It can increase your brand trustworthiness and rank on Google.

Influencer outreach not just only improves your off-page optimization but also increases your brand awareness because more people will know about your brand and search for your brand on Google.

There are some essential steps you need to take for your influencer outreach

Before you pitch an influencer, make sure you research them, If they are a good fit for your business.

Don’t look at only influencer’s followers, Look at their engagement because that’s what matters the most.

Contact influencers and appreciate their work before pitching them.

Build long-term relationships with them so whenever people see that influencer, they also recognize your brand with them.

Track if an influencer audience is also coming to your website and track their performance to see if you can build a long-term relationship with that influencer.

Social Signals

If your content is shared a lot of times on social media, it improves your off-page seo. Because the search engines will notice that people are sharing your content on other social media platforms.

It can indicate to Google that people like your content. Which can improve your ranking and traffic on Google.

Although it does not prove that it increases your ranking and traffic. Still, some people get tremendous results with their off-page seo by getting a lot of social signals.

So whenever you create content, make sure you put a button for sharing your content on social media and put them where they look visible to the audience.

Social signals can be a great way to improve off-page optimization.


Off-page optimization is not as easy as on-page seo on some steps. But still, it’s a crucial part of seo and, you have to do the hard part seo as well to increase your ranking and traffic on Google.

Most people don’t do off-page seo because it takes too much time and hard work.

But the problem is people only look at the time they have to put in today. They dont look at the results they will get by putting in that time.

Sure off-page seo doesn’t guarantee you will get traffic. But it increases your chances to get thousand of traffic on Google.

But don’t forget that you have to keep doing both off-page and on-page seo because both are important for your business. Without it, your seo strategy will not work perfectly.

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