Offense vs Defense

Why is a crime called an offense?

Jerry Roth


Tom Brady and Donald Trump are playing offense.
Jordan Greer — Sporting News — Getty Images

What do Tom Brady, Socialist Democrats, and criminals have in common?

They play offense.

What about Republicans and the police?

They are always on the defense.

Offense = Action

Defense = Reaction

My son-in-law is a Dallas Cowboys fan as am I. When I was in California and the Dallas game was on California television, we would watch the game together. He invariably said things about the other team like, “Oh, these guys have a great defense.” Or “We won’t be able to score because their defense is the best in the league.” Or my favorite, “Our defense sucks!”

Every time he did that, I reminded him that defense doesn’t score, and if no one scores, it will be a very boring game.

In February 2021, Super Bowl 55 was an excellent example of how having a strong offense will generally win the game. Brady and the Buccaneers came out blocking, receiving, and scoring, and never stopped, very much like Brady has done for his entire football career.

The Buccaneer’s defense managed to keep Kansas City from scoring, but it was their offense that earned them 31 points…



Jerry Roth

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