Oh, how valuable you are!!

Michael Huffman
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2022
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Are there times in your life when you feel you aren’t making a difference? Only living to survive day-to-day. In life, if not careful, we can be lulled to sleep by the constant rhythm of the mundane. Going to work, getting the kids, preparing dinner, soccer practice, Netflix series, etc. We can put ourselves into auto-pilot mode throughout life never activating our creativity and imagination.

Surrounding ourselves with others who are in the same mindset we have herded the idea that just enough is good enough. Anything more requires too much work or too much sacrifice. But what if there's more?

There’s a place where you can go that will break the cycle of the mundane and the feeling of unimportance. This place will turn off your auto-pilot mode and cause you to fly to new heights and dimensions. It’s where purpose meets passion.

Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Photo by Riley Crawford on Unsplash

Purpose and passion can be found in the most unlikely place. A place that remains hidden within you and the only way to get there is by faith. The leap of faith to this unknown territory could cause you to change careers, leave old friends, and face your deepest darkest fear. But, it’s a price that has to be paid because you matter.

Yes!! The teachers, bloggers, journalists, nurses, preachers, ministers, fabricators, carpenters, electricians, seamstresses, barbers, engineers, musicians, inventors, photographers, welders, and everyone together makes this planet what it is today because of you.

Oh how valuable you are!!

Every single person in this world is a vital part of its success. No one man can do this alone. When God told Moses to build a tabernacle he anointed and called each person according to their ability and skill to help build the tabernacle (Exo 31). It was never God’s design for anything to be a one-man show.

Look all around you, everything that was created was created by God (Gen1:1, Col1:16–17). If we are open to His will for a better humanity He can plant the ideas necessary in men and women for a better world. For example, God never made the chair, but he supplied the trees. Until one day, someone envisioned a chair in the tree and created it. God already supplied us with the recourses to create things beyond our imagination.

Everything was created by the imagination of man (just like the heavens and the earth were created by the imagination of God) to better our existence. God created the wood to make the chair, iron to make the steel, oil to fuel our cars, and everything else. But by the imagination of someone combined with the resources available things are created.

Before the airplane was invented, The Wright Bros, had a dream to fly. No man has created such a task so it was considered unbelievable. But, their dream became a reality and now the airplane is one of the fastest ways of travel. Their dream sparked new ideas and inventions in others to go beyond the limitations of what we see and soar to new heights.

Before peanut butter was created, George Washington Carver believed he could create a way to use the excess peanuts that were available, thus the delicious and creamy peanut butter was made. In his time, African American inventors weren’t highly recognized due to slavery. However, each inventor sparked the fire in another, believing they too can create.

Oh how valuable you are!!

Don’t let your current situations dictate to you what you can and cannot do. There are still businesses that have not opened yet, inventions not invented, inspiring speeches not spoken, books not yet written, technology not yet invented, and humanitarian problems not yet solved. It’s because they are waiting for you.

The wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. — Dr. Myles Monroe

Photo by michal dziekonski on Unsplash

Dr. Myles Monroe said this because he had a revelation, revealing to him the importance of pursuing your ideas and dreams. If you were to pass away today would you leave empty? I know I wouldn’t because I still have ideas that have not been birthed yet. I’m not finished discovering who God created me to be.

Believe it or not, you matter in this universe!! There are people whom you haven’t met yet waiting to meet a person like you. Why?? Because you have what they need. They may need your testimony of how you overcame addiction or cancer. You could be the creator of a local business that helps them pay for their college tuition. Your one act of faith to capitalize on an idea may seem minimal to you, but that small act can create a tidal wave of change beyond our scope of imagination.

Find your purpose and passion whatever and wherever it may be. Search deep within your soul and break free and live your life on the trail of the unknown where spontaneity and excitement await you. As you leave your footprints on the trail you become an inspiration to others to follow your lead.

Oh how valuable you are!!



Michael Huffman

Writing to share a message to the world of their purpose and identity in Jesus Christ. Author of the book Unmask:The unveiling of you. https://www.amazon.com/Un