Oils or Taila

Rakhi N.S
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2023
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The Taila Varga, or oil group, is a key component of Ayurveda due to its widespread use in both normal and therapeutic circumstances. In this post, we’ll look at a few carefully selected oils to understand their key characteristics. Oil typically has the same properties as the material from which it is extracted.

1. Eranda Taila or Castor oil

It has Tikta (Bitter), Ushna/Katu (Pungent) and Svadu/Madhura (Sweet) rasa*. It has Guru (heaviness) and sara (mobility) and ushna (hot) guna(quality). It is useful to treat pain and swelling, Kapha and Vata disorders. It is widely used in skin care due to its rejuvenating abilities. Tikta (bitter), Ushna/Katu (pungent), and Svadu/Madhura (sweet) rasas* are present in it. Guru (heaviness) and Sara (mobility) are its gunas (qualities). Pain and swelling, as well as abnormalities of the kapha^ and vata, can be treated with it. Due to its ability to rejuvenate, it is frequently used in skin care.

Red castor oil, also known as Rakta Eranda, is made from the red variety of castor and has tikshna (sharp) and ushna (hot) potency.

2. Tila Taila or Gingelly or Sesame oil

According to Ashtangahridyam, it is the best oil in the group of oils. Both Madhura (sweet) and Kashaya (astringent) rasas are present in it. It has a hot potency and can pierce through small passageways. Use in the eyes is not advised. Worms can be eliminated by it. However, it promotes pita while balancing kapha and vata. Its regenerative properties allow it to detoxify the body’s pathways. It can help with memory enhancement.

3. Sarsapa Taila or Mustard oil

Its gunas are tikshna (sharp) and laghu (lightness), while its rasa is ushna/katu (pungent). It can lessen the effects of kapha and vata doshas. It is mostly used to treat worm infestation, itching, and stomach pain. It can vitiate blood and semen.

4. Aksa Taila or Bibhitaka oil

It possesses guru (light), sheeta (cool), and madhura (sweet) rasa. It can help to balance pita and vata. It works well as a hair tonic. effective in the treatment of colds and coughs. It can cleanse the blood.

5. Nimbha Taila or Neem oil

Kashaya (astringent) and Tikta (bitter) rasas are present. In terms of potency, cool(bitter) rasas are present in it. In terms of potency, it is cool. It is also guru (light). It can be used to treat skin conditions, bloating, and worms. Kapha is reduced by it.

Although there are many other oils, the ayurvedic texts commonly mention the aforementioned oils.

Reference : Ashtanga Hridyam



^- https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror/tridosha-is-it-really-harmful-f52906ab6a6e

