Old Is Gold: This Very Old Programming Language Is Getting Bold Again

After more than a decade the dinosaur language is ready to own the programming field again

Nishi Kashyap


Photo by Cleyton Ewerton on Unsplash

Tabatha Coffey once said, “Classics never make a comeback. They wait for that perfect moment to take the spotlight from overdone, tired trends.” However, his theory makes more sense in the case of Fortran which is finally back in the spotlight again — after more than 10 years.

You know that’s the thing about trends. You might never know what may hit the strike again. What may be today’s landfill, might end up becoming tomorrow's trend and vice versa.

That’s what exactly happened with Fortran.

According to the April 2021 latest report of programming watchdogs TIOBE, Fortran has re-entered the list of top 20 programming languages after being away for more than a decade.

This dinosaur is back in the top 20 after more than 10 years. Fortran was the first commercial programming language ever and is gaining popularity thanks to the massive need for (scientific) number crunching. Welcome back Fortran,” notes TIOBE.

Designed by John Backus in 1954, Fortran is one of the oldest guards of programming language. It was started as IBM’s mathematical translation…



Nishi Kashyap

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴