Fiction & Nature

Olive Trees and a Goat Boy

A fictional story set in Greece. On a mountain who spoke to me. But that’s another story…

Desiree Driesenaar
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2020


What a find! When, thousands of years ago, people arrived in the Greek mountains of Parnonas, they found forests full of olive trees.

Just like that. Arisen.

With stems turned like corkscrews and fat olives that hide between the small leaves that do not fall in fall.

Thom walks from tree to tree. Now and then he puts his hand on the rough bark.

An ant climbs over the obstacle. Whenever an ant has decided about her path, no hand can stop her.

Thom laughs. Her little legs tickle.

At the back left, he meets a very old tree. Hollow. Lop-sided.

Thom feels how life flows through the stem. Shots of energy pulsate from crown to roots, from roots to crown. He cannot feel where the flow goes.

Solar tree? Lunar tree? He will look it up.

Although it’s very clear that this tree should not yet be discarded. She has many productive years left.

Kneeling, Thom removes his sneakers and socks. He stands on bare feet next to the tree. He closes his eyes.

