On Medium: Kindness, Moving On, Letting Go, Agreeing to Disagree

Can we keep Medium to be an open platform for inspiration vs. a writers-attack-writers soap opera?

Berna A.


Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Is it just me? Do you see people being mean at people for being mean? We go around judging people about judging people, and showing intolerance because somebody is intolerant.

Do you know what that does?

It makes the “other” more righteous. It puts us into a never-ending snake story. Like children on the playground, we hear nothing but “he started it…” all over the news and even on Medium.

It also causes us to lose touch with logic and being logical. If we want to see more kindness, doesn’t it make more sense to be kind in every situation?

This is not a political piece in any way, and I do hope that it doesn’t come across that way. Although it might come across as being hypocritical in some ways, and so be it. I’ll use my hypocrisy tokens for this one.

I just wish we could all have a “Be Kind” message flash on our screens when we sit down to write.

I joined Medium a long time ago, more as a reader back then than a writer, then as a place to voice my experiences and learnings about the environment and oceans. I was looking…



Berna A.

Ocean Actionist. Circular Economy Consultant. Sustainability, Business, and Nature Speaker. Nature Photographer.