One Extremely Important Thing to Say to Someone Who’s Struggling

Helping those who are struggling requires a lot of empathy and understanding

Charles Amemiya


Photo by Alex Green on Pexels

We’ve all been there.

Someone we care about is going through something very challenging.

They’re mentally and emotionally battered. They may be physically shaken. We want to help them get rid of this pain and sorrow.

Many of us — especially if we’re male — will try to figure out what’s wrong and begin giving possible solutions. Some will actively listen as the person dives deeper into the dilemma. Others will ask a lot of questions to get more clarity around what’s going on.

When I was younger, I would jump right into analysis and resolution mode when someone told me they were going through something really difficult. This method worked for some people who came to me with their problems, but many didn’t want a solution. They just wanted me to listen to them. Others were just looking for human connection — they simply wanted to know I cared about them.

There’s an underlying problem with trying to fix their challenge or assuming they just want us to listen to them or asking a lot of questions. The problem is that we haven’t determined what the person who’s going through this challenge…



Charles Amemiya

Formerly incarcerated life/organizational development coach, speaker, technical writer, and social responsibility advocate.