One Fine September Morning

In memory of D’Anna

Deborah Barchi


Photo by Piotr Wieczorek on Unsplash

From morning mist bright-tipped with gold
a herd of deer step on the road.

Sensing us, they swerve and leap
back to the farmer’s fallow fields.

A dawn surprise we might have missed
had we not kept our promises

and met with sleep still in our smiles
one fine September morning.

This poem was written about a delightful experience I shared with my dear friend and walking companion D’Anna, a few years before she died.

I entered the poem in a local contest sponsored by an art club. Artists chose from among the winning poems a specific poem that inspired them to create a work of art. I was honored when the talented artist Jill Tyler painted the enchanting monotype, below. In fact, I loved the painting so much, I bought it!

Photo by Deborah Barchi of a painting by Jill Tyler.



Deborah Barchi

Deborah Barchi has recently retired from her career as a librarian and now has time to read, explore nature, and write poetry and essays.